The Winsover Centre provides two large retail units let to Lidl and Poundland, together with 6 smaller retail and office units, let to a variety of local occupiers.
The centre also includes 20 Winsover Road, located on the south western corner of the development, which comprises a restaurant with residential over and Bond Street Court which is a two storey parade of 6 small units. Onsite shopper parking is provided.
The centre is located in a prominent position on the western edge of Spalding town centre, on the corner of A151 Winsover Road and Station Street. The main town centre retail park, Holland Markets is located close by on Station Street. The town train station is also located adjacent.
For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact Claudia Gasparro using the form below.
© 2024 LCP Management Ltd (Registration Number 2196600, VAT Number 478 6888 60).
London & Cambridge Properties Ltd (Registration Number 2895002, VAT Number 478 688 860). Registered Office in England and Wales LCP House, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands. DY6 7NA. Tel 01384 400123.
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