Trinity Street

3 - 31 Trinity Street, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV1 1FJ
18,619 sq.ft (1,730 sq.m)
13 Units

Asset Manager

Property Details

Located on Trinity Street, this property is situated across from Sainsburys and the West Orchards shopping centre in the heart of Coventry.

It is an extremely busy trading area, benefitting from its location beneath the Study Inns student accommodation block with over 100 onsite rooms. Trinity Street is a vital link to the traditional retailing areas, and the nearby Coventry Transport Museum. This site also has excellent transport links, with the nearby TS4 bus stop being one of the most widely-used in the city centre.

Current Tenants

Cancer Research

Available Properties

Sorry, but there are no properties currently available. For details of any available “off-market” opportunities, please contact the Asset Manager.

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For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact Kristien Neve using the form below.

Trinity Street

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