The property comprises a development of 6 retail units with a small suite of offices at first floor level extending over the shops, which is approached via a separate entrance at the western side. Immediately to the rear of the property is the towns bus station and to the east is one of the town’s main car parks providing 170 spaces.
Alfreton lies within the Amber Valley 14 miles north of Derby and 17 miles north west of Nottingham. Alfreton has good road communications via the A38 providing access to the M1 Junction 28 and East Midlands Airport is to the south. The property is situated at the southern end of Institute Lane opposite. Poundland adjacent to a large unit operated by Home Bargains and the Market Hall.
For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact Will Helm using the form below.
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London & Cambridge Properties Ltd (Registration Number 2895002, VAT Number 478 688 860). Registered Office in England and Wales LCP House, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands. DY6 7NA. Tel 01384 400123.
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