Multipark Pensnett, previously Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands is one of the largest secure industrial estates in Europe, comprising of 185 acres and is home to almost 200 companies. The estate provides a secure, pleasant and attractive working environment in the Dudley Borough including 24hr estate CCTV and communal area maintenance. This site also offers the potential of super fast hyper optic broadband.
The estate is serviced on the south side by the A4101 Dudley Road and on the north side by the B4175 Stallings Lane and is conveniently placed for easy access to the M5 and the M6 Motorways and the main rail links.
There are hundreds of opportunities for Black Country based businesses to work together to increase business and source a wide range of services right on their own doorstep.
For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact David Charlton using the form below.
© 2024 LCP Management Ltd (Registration Number 2196600, VAT Number 478 6888 60).
London & Cambridge Properties Ltd (Registration Number 2895002, VAT Number 478 688 860). Registered Office in England and Wales LCP House, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands. DY6 7NA. Tel 01384 400123.
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