This property is ideally situated in the heart of Kingswood, directly opposite the entrance of the Kings Chase shopping centre, approximately six miles east of Bristol city centre. Kingswood boasts a central location with easy access to the A4174 ring road, leading to J1 of the M32 and the national motorway network.
Our retail units on Regent Street, Kingswood consist of lock-up units with upper floors dedicated to residential use under a long leasehold interest. The retail spaces feature contemporary LED lighting and glazed shop fronts.
For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact Adam Martin using the form below.
© 2024 LCP Management Ltd (Registration Number 2196600, VAT Number 478 6888 60).
London & Cambridge Properties Ltd (Registration Number 2895002, VAT Number 478 688 860). Registered Office in England and Wales LCP House, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands. DY6 7NA. Tel 01384 400123.
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