
Tenant Expansion At Pensnett

BodyKraft has opened its 6,202 sq ft bodyshop at Block A, Bays 1 and 2, Progress Point, on the Pensnett Estate, which is owned and managed by London & Cambridge Properties (LCP).

Paula James, industrial lettings manager at LCP, said: BodyKraft is a long-standing tenant of ours so we were only too pleased to help the company find suitable premises for its new fast-track repair service.


"It's great to see such a successful family-run firm that is continuing to grow in the West Midlands."

LCP's £1.5 million Progress Point development, on the Pensnett Estate, opened in 2014 and is a 21,000 sq ft of high-spec industrial and warehouse units, comprising premises from 1,500 sq.ft to 9,000 sq ft.

Tenant Expansion At Pensnett
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