Leisure Planning Application Approved

People in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, can look forward to the opening of a seven-screen cinema and cafes in 2015 after the Concourse Shopping Centre was given the go-ahead for its £4 million leisure scheme.
West Lancashire Borough Council's planning committee last night (December 18, 2014) overwhelmingly approved the scheme at the centre, which is owned by Skelmersdale Limited Partnership, a joint venture between LCP and Threadneedle Investments.
Jo Salmon, retail portfolio manager, said she was delighted that councillors had recognised that the scheme would not only safeguard the centre and existing jobs but also bring additional jobs to the town.
"We've worked very hard to bring this development forward and have been overwhelmed by the support we've received from people who live and work in Skelmersdale, as well as traders in the Concourse," she said.
"The funding is already in place and we are looking forward to starting work in the new year to transform the centre."
Lewis Evans, senior planner with Turley, planning consultants for the project, also welcomed the approval.
"We are delighted that members have resolved to grant planning permission. This is a hugely important scheme for the Concourse Centre, which is fully aligned with national policies to promote existing centres in recognition of their role at the heart of the communities they serve," he said.
"The development will also secure regeneration benefits for Skelmersdale town centre as sought through local planning policy in recognition of the needs of the town."
The 695-seat, seven-screen cinema and two food outlets would be situated on the second floor of the shopping centre, while a further four units on the first floor would be converted into restaurants as the first phase of improvements.
The shopping centre, which houses more than 70 shops including well-known high street names, will also undergo improvements, and at least 40 jobs would be created.