Latest Information - Covid-19

We are following closely the guidelines and daily official advice from the Government and from Public Health England with regarding the opening of the shopping centres we own and manage.
Our main priority is looking after the health and safety of our staff, retailers and their employees, and visitors.
While our centres remain open to meet the needs of local communities, you will find that that all non-essential stores and cafes are closed temporarily as per Government guidelines.
We would urge you to check any store's website before setting out for essential items as some are altering their opening times.
We continue to take the cleanliness of our centres extremely seriously and have increased the frequency of our cleaning regime to ensure common areas are as clean as they can be.
We also ask all visitors to our shopping centres to adhere to the Government's guidelines:
- To shop for basic essentials - only when you really need to;
- For any medical need - for example, to visit a pharmacy or deliver essential supplies to a vulnerable person;
- Stand 2m (6ft) away from people who are not from your household;
- Maintain good hand hygiene, washing hands with soap for 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser;
- To travel to and from work - but only where this is absolutely necessary;
- To do one form of exercise a day - such as a run, walk or cycle, alone or with other people you live with.
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